Monday, August 25, 2014

This is a test of sherapop's salon de parfum broadcast system...

This is a test of sherapop's salon de parfum broadcast system. This is only a test.

My fragrant friends--and flagrant fiends--it has been brought to my attention that my post alerts are not being transmitted by Feedburner and have not been emailed for a very, very long time. Apologies to all of you who wondered what happened. I did not notice because, well, as I'm sure you're aware, sherapop is something of a snob and does not really agonize over blog stats and what not because she only wants you to visit if you want to, and most people are not very big on phenomenology and the like.

It appears that my posts are TOO LONG for Feedburner, which prefers soundbites similar in size to the "news items" featured on mainstream media sites. Obviously, I'm not about to shorten my posts, so I'm going to try another tack: posting a short "notice" of a sherapop posting. Let's see how this works. As annoying as it may be, this method is infinitely less annoying than condensing, reducing, and changing my posts to fit some unknown administrator's arbitrary idea of how long a blog post should be.

This is a test of sherapop's salon de parfum broadcast system. This is only a test.


  1. Good morning! Looks like it works. My notifications in my blog list have been kind of inconsistent for everyone lately, though.

    1. Thank you, Furrinner--nice to see you here! I'll post something new (and more substantive) soon...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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